Satellite Events
Review the satellite event policies and submit an event to be held at Neuroscience 2022.
BrightFocus Alzheimer's Fast Track
Date & Time: Wednesday, November 09, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: BrightFocus Foundation
The workshop aims to provide graduate students, postdocs, and other early-stage scientists focusing on Alzheimer’s disease research, an overview of current knowledge and new directions in AD research. Workshop sessions are taught by leaders in the field, and emphasize interaction with students and immediate application of new knowledge through presentations, interactive workshops and mock grant proposals.
Kara Summers
2022 Marmoset Bioscience Symposium
Date & Time: Thursday, November 10, 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By:
The major goal of the 2022 Marmoset Bioscience Symposium is part of a multiple-pronged approach to establish a consortium aimed at highlighting cutting-edge research in marmosets and promoting marmosets as a key model system in the next chapter of biomedical research. The meeting will provide a networking forum for both U.S. and overseas-established investigators and junior scientists from diverse backgrounds to interact and communicate their research findings.
Kuo-Fen Lee , Salk Institute
Phone:(858) 453-4100
IEEE Brain Discovery Neurotechnology Workshop: Brain, Mind, Body
Date & Time: Thursday, November 10, 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
Date & Time: Friday, November 11, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: IEEE Brain Technical Community
November 10-11, UC San Diego
This workshop explores the holistic integration of unobtrusive neurotechnology and medicine, focusing on minimally invasive and regenerative strategies that address "invisible" disabilities and cultivate harmony between brain, mind, and body. Program includes plenary talks, interactive poster presentations, live demonstrations, and panels on transitioning technology advances to global health outcomes. For more information:
Jack Gallant , UC Berkeley
Phone:(510) 642-2606
Cynthia Weber , IEEE Brain Technical Community
5th Ferret Brain Meeting
Date & Time: Friday, November 11, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: 5th Ferret Brain Meeting
The 5th Ferret Brain Meeting will bring together neuroscientists at all career stages working in the ferret. The goal of the meeting is to share recent scientific discoveries, exchange tips and tricks and to provide networking opportunities. The meeting will feature talks, a group discussion and a poster session in addition to time for more informal conversations. The meeting will be run in a hybrid format combining virtual and in person attendance. Registration Link:
Kristina Nielsen , Johns Hopkins University
Advances in Motor Learning and Motor Control
Date & Time: Friday, November 11, noon–7:30 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: Maurice Smith
Marriott Marquis: Marina Blrm. E. This symposium provides an annual forum for presenting the best new work in motor control and motor learning, including studies of human motor behavior, imaging, motor neurophysiology, and computational modeling. The program will include two invited and ten contributed talks. Please see for additional information. Organizers: Maurice Smith, John Krakauer, Adrian Haith and Alaa Ahmed.
Maurice Smith , Harvard University
Phone:(617) 495-9287
alaa ahmed
Celebration of the Scientific Career of Dr. Mortimer Mishkin
Date & Time: Friday, November 11, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: National Institute of Mental Health
Grand Hyatt - Harbor Ballroom A. A symposium to celebrate Dr. Mortimer Mishkin’s immense scientific legacy to cognitive neuroscience. His foundational work spanned more than six decades helping to elucidate the neural pathways through which vision, hearing, and touch connect with brain structures to encode memory and guide behavior. Dr. Mishkin, a past president of SFN and recipient of the National Medal of Science, touched the lives and careers of many in the field. The symposium will occur on Friday November 11, 2022.
Richard Saunders , National Institute of Mental Health, National Inst
Elisabeth Murray , Laboratory if Neuropsychology, NIMH, NIH
Phone:301 443-7401
Craniofacial Neuroscience: Mechanisms and Translational Therapies
Date & Time: Friday, November 11, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Sponsor Category: Individual Group
Sponsored By: Swallowtail
This is a hybrid event (in-person at the Sofia Hotel or virtual). Registration required at Craniofacial rehabilitation aims to restore functions that are primary pleasures and necessary for sustaining life. These functions are complex and include biting, chewing and swallowing. They require fine and coordinated motor control of craniofacial muscles which can be influenced by sensory inputs (including pain) from teeth and surrounding craniofacial tissues. These functions are impaired in many neurological diseases or following injury with no age or sex/gender boundaries.
This symposium brings together dentists, speech-language pathologists, neuroscientists and engineers from across the globe to provide insights into the latest discoveries related to the vital craniofacial functions that can impact craniofacial rehabilitation. This event consists of 8 invited-speakers and poster presentations. Come and join us in this informative and networking event.
Limor Avivi-Arber , University Toronto Dentistry
Teresa Lever , University of Missouri School of Medicine
Data Analysis Applications for Neuroscientists
Date & Time: Friday, November 11, 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Sponsor Category: Individual Group
Sponsored By: Michael Malek-Ahmadi
This one-day workshop will focus on the conceptual understanding and application of several statistical techniques that attendees can use in their own datasets. Topics will include linear regression, generalized linear models, robust regression, logistic regression, and linear mixed models. Meta-analytic techniques, sample size estimation, as well as tips for reporting statistics in manuscripts will also be covered. Registration, with $150.00 fee, can be completed here
Mike Malek-Ahmadi , Banner Alzheimer's Institute
MDS-PAS Neuroscience of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders
Date & Time: Friday, November 11, 8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society
This course is sponsored by the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society, Pan-American Section. The goal of this course is to introduce the principles, basic knowledge, and unanswered questions that are important to the field of Movement Disorders. The target audience for this course are basic and translational scientists, including graduate students, post-doctoral students, and junior faculty. The faculty consists of experts in pathology, etiology, neurodegenerative and neuroprotective mechanisms of Parkinson disease and other Movement Disorders. Throughout the course sessions, basic scientists will have the opportunity to interact with neurologists and neuroscientists to discuss movement disorders and gain a deeper understanding of symptoms and underlying mechanisms. The overall aim is to enable basic and translational scientists to work on questions that are important in the field of Movement Disorders. Registration Link:
David Standaert
Web:Registration Link:
Nilda Toro , Regional Program Manager - Pan American Section, IPMDS
Phone:(414) 276-2145
Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society (MCCS) Symposium
Date & Time: Friday, November 11, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society (MCCS)
The Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society (MCCS) is an international organization that was founded in 2002 to facilitate interchanges among laboratories in the field of Molecular and Cellular Cognition, a subdiscipline of neuroscience focused on how molecular (i.e. receptor, kinase activation), intra-cellular (i.e., dendritic processes), and inter-cellular processes (i.e., synaptic plasticity; network representations) support cognitive functions (i.e., learning and memory). MCCS has no membership fees and meetings that emphasize the participation of junior scientists.
Jennifer Raymond , Stanford University
Phone:(650) 725-9201
Alissa Ceja , Stanford Neurobiology
Neuromodulation for Engaging and Enhancing Spinal Cord Plasticity
Date & Time: Friday, November 11, 12:30–6:30 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: National Center of Neuromodulation for Rehabilitation
This symposium, organized by the National Center of Neuromodulation for Rehabilitation (P2C HD086844) and the National Center for Adaptive Neurotechnologies (P41 EB018783), will showcase and discuss promising neuromodulation approaches that aim to engage spinal cord plasticity for enhancing sensory and motor function in health and disease. The targeted attendees include basic and translational research scientists, clinicians, engineers, students, and postdoctoral fellows.
Michelle McLeod , National Center For Neuromodulation For Rehabilita
Aiko Thompson , National Center of Neuromodulation for Rehabilitation
ODC-SCI Data Sharing Fest
Date & Time: Friday, November 11, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Sponsor Category: Individual Group
Sponsored By: Open Data Commons for Spinal Cord Injury (ODC-SCI)
Grand Hyatt - Promenade. The Open Data Commons for SCI (a community based platform to share data in SCI research; is hosting a workshop as a SFN satellite event in San Diego on Nov 11th, 2022. We will present updates, discuss new avenues and provide hands-on training. We will cater lunch and coffee breaks and offer one night accommodation for up to 100 registrants. If you are interested, especially with the various deadlines for mandatory data sharing looming, block Nov 11th, 2022 in your calendars and register here:
Jeffrey Grethe , University of California San Diego
Phone:(858) 822-0703
Karim Fouad , University of Alberta
Phone:(780) 492-5971
Society for Social Neuroscience (S4SN)
Date & Time: Friday, November 11, 7:30 a.m.–7 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: Society for Social Neuroscience
The Society for Social Neuroscience (S4SN) hosts its 13th annual meeting. S4SN brings together social neuroscience conducted in humans and non-human animals; such work spans circuit neuroscience, imaging studies, fieldwork, and genomics, to name just a few tools and approaches. The meeting consists of cutting-edge talks from keynote speakers, symposia, young-investigator awards, and poster sessions. The scale of the meeting is intimate and its format allows extensive interaction.
Steven Phelps , University of Texas at Austin
Chinese Neuroscientists Social
Date & Time: Saturday, November 12, 6:30–9 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: Society for Chinese Neuroscientist (SCN)
The Society for Chinese Neuroscientist (SCN) and the Society for Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA) invite 2022 SfN attendees to this annual social event. Attendees will have opportunities to social and chat with Chinese neuroscientists, network, see old friends and make new ones. All SfN attendees are welcome, regardless of origin and location. Foods and beverages will be provided.
Zhi-Ping Pang , Rutgers University
Dong Sun , Virginia Commonwealth University
FTD Social
Date & Time: Saturday, November 12, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: Debra Niehoff/The Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration
The Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD) invites all annual meeting attendees with an interest in FTD or related disorders to join AFTD – in person - for the 2022 FTD Social. Chat with like-minded colleagues, meet AFTD staff, and learn about funding opportunities in FTD research. Students, postdocs, early-career researchers, and newcomers to the FTD field are especially welcome to participate in this informal networking event.
Debra Niehoff , The Association For Frontotemporal Degeneration
g.tec's Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Workshop
Date & Time: Saturday, November 12, 6:30–9 p.m.
Sponsor Category: Commercial
Sponsored By: g.tec medical engineering GmbH
Learn how to use non-invasive and invasive brain-computer interface technology for rehabilitation, control and brain assessment and see high-performance BCIs in action. The workshop will show state-of-the-art hardware and software solutions including wet, dry and hybrid EEG electrodes, wireless EEG, signal processing and classification algorithms. Furthermore, new application areas will be explained and the BCI Hackathon series, the BCI Award and the Unicorn platform will be explained.
Christoph Guger , g.tec medical engineering GmbH
Phone:43 43725122
Katrin Mayr , g.tec neurotechnology USA, Inc.
Illuminating the Brain Structure and Function
Date & Time: Saturday, November 12, 6:30–9 p.m.
Sponsor Category: Commercial
Sponsored By: Bruker
Join us for an evening of fascinating talks by leading researchers focusing on multiphoton, SMLM super-resolution and light-sheet microscopy! Learn about the latest research using spatial light modulators (SLMs) for holographic photostimulation in optogenetics and uncaging deep within the brain. Hear about the use of SPIM to connect structure and function within live or cleared samples. Discover how single-molecule localization offers new levels of resolution and quantitative statistical analysis capabilities. Bruker is a proud partner in neuroscience labs around the world and is excited to host this symposium, dedicated to showcasing recent work in these areas. A series of short talks will be followed by a reception with food and drink. Open to all SfN 2022 registrants. RSVP requested for planning purposes.
Register now at:
Aina Afzal , Bruker Corporation
Sara Tichenor , Bruker
Neuroscience & Spirituality Social
Date & Time: Saturday, November 12, 7–10:30 a.m.
Sponsor Category: Individual Group
Sponsored By: Mona Sobhani
Hilton Bayfront: Cobalt 500. This informal gathering is for anyone who has ever had an experience -- whether they classify it as 'spiritual' or not -- that they cannot explain with our current understanding of science. Our scientific community tends to dismiss these events as anomalies, declare them as 'not real', or ignore them altogether, in spite of the fact that many scientists have experienced these phenomena. Join a growing group of curious scientists who are unafraid to ask difficult questions about the nature of our reality that includes the intersection of science and spirituality. Join us in a conversation about our shared experiences and how we might begin to understand them. Contact:
Mona Sobhani , University of Southern California
Neuroscience Gateway - Enabling Large Scale Modeling, Data Processing and Dissemination of Software
Date & Time: Saturday, November 12, 7–10:30 a.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: The Neuroscience Gateway
The Neuroscience Gateway (NSG, a free and open platform, eliminates administrative and technical barriers and enables neuroscientists to do large scale modeling and data processing using various tools on supercomputers. NSG is also a platform for dissemination of neuroscience software. Presentations and discussions by NSG users and software developers will be showcased at this workshop.
Amitava Majumdar , University of California San Diego
Ted Carnevale , Yale University
Open Resources for Cell Types and Taxonomies with the Allen Brain Map
Date & Time: Saturday, November 12, 7:30–10:30 a.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: Allen Institute
The Allen Institute for Brain Science is releasing open resources for the study of cell types, including single-cell transcriptomic, electrophysiology, morphology, and multimodal patch-seq data; corresponding analysis tools; and taxonomies and standards. At this workshop, learn about the Allen Institute’s research in cell types, and the open resources available through the Allen Brain Map, and their applications. For more information and to register, visit
Kaitlyn Casimo , Allen Institute
ALBA Network Social
Date & Time: Sunday, November 13, 6:30–8 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: SfN / FENS / IBRO
ALBA represents a global diverse network of neuroscientists who are committed to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. This social is the occasion for Dr Laura Andreae (ALBA Chair - King's College London, UK) and Dr Megan Carey (ALBA Past Chair - Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Portugal) to share the latest updates on the ALBA Network activities. It's also an opportunity for the ALBA members to meet and for non-members to discover the Network's mission and join in. After a keynote talk by Dr Michael A. Yassa (ALBA Advisor - University of California, Irvine, US), participants will network to share experience on the promotion of diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) in neuroscience. Drinks & finger food will be offered.
Mathilde Maughan , Federation of European Neuroscience Societies
Mathilde Maughan , ALBA Network
Better Together: An Evening of Science and Storytelling
Date & Time: Sunday, November 13, 7–8 p.m.
Sponsor Category: Commercial
Sponsored By: Abcam
Marriott Marquis: Pacific Ballroom 18. Abcam and Pop-Up Magazine present an evening of live storytelling and music. Come on an immersive exploration of the people behind neuroscience research: the scientists changing lives, the inspiration behind their work, and the power neuroscience has over all of us as humans. Food and drink will be provided!
RSVP here
Kaylee Berkelhammer , Abcam
Phone:(617) 225-2272 EXT 235
Boston University Graduate Program for Neuroscience Social
Date & Time: Sunday, November 13, 7–10 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: Boston University Graduate Program for Neuroscience
Social event for students, prospective students, faculty, alumni and friends of the Boston University Graduate Program for Neuroscience
Sandra Grasso , Boston University Graduate Program For Neuroscience
Christian Neuroscience Society Fellowship Breakfast Meeting
Date & Time: Sunday, November 13, 7–8 a.m.
Sponsor Category: Commercial
Sponsored By: Candidate Biopharma Advisors, LLC
We are a group of Christians interested in furthering the dialogue between neuroscience and the truth of the Christian faith. This meeting is open to anyone who wants to learn more about the Christian Neuroscience Society. At this informal gathering, Dr. Michael Hildebrand (Carleton University), will share his story about faith and progressing from grad student to professor. A continental breakfast will be provided.
Chris Mathes , Metrion Biosciences Ltd.
Josh Whitt
g.tec RecoveriX and MindBEAGLE Workshop
Date & Time: Sunday, November 13, 6:30–9 p.m.
Sponsor Category: Commercial
Sponsored By: g.tec medical engineering GmbH
This workshop will show state-of-the-art research and development of brain-computer interface neurotechnology for rehabilitation, assessment, and training of stroke patients and patients with disorders of consciousness.
Christoph Guger , g.tec medical engineering GmbH
Phone:43 43725122
Katrin Mayr , g.tec neurotechnology USA, Inc.
IBRO Alumni Networking Event
Date & Time: Sunday, November 13, 6:30–9 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Join the IBRO community to celebrate IBRO alumni, find out more about our funding programs and career development opportunities, and meet the IBRO leadership! Bring along a friend and enjoy a taster of the IBRO World Congress 2023 with live music and salsa. We look forward to welcoming you!
IBRO Secretariat , IBRO / International Brain Research Organization
Phone:33 0146585360
IF/IHC Imaging Workshop and Social Event with Expert Panel Discussion
Date & Time: Sunday, November 13, 6:30–8 p.m.
Sponsor Category: Commercial
Sponsored By: Proteintech Group
Proteintech, the antibody and Nanobody experts with over 20 years of experience and 140,000 citations, invites you to join our workshop with our external panel on how to optimize your imaging workflows. Dive deep into the science behind these techniques and hear about how the latest knowledge and best-in-class reagents can help you get images worthy for Nature! Suitable for all SfN attendees. Drinks and food provided. Please RSVP here .
Lynnea Wolfe , Proteintech Group, Inc.
Rebecca Northeast , Proteintech Group
Parkinson's Disease Social
Date & Time: Sunday, November 13, 6:30–9 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: Parkinson's Foundation
Come join the staff of the Parkinson's Foundation, past grantees and all those interested in Parkinson's disease research for an opportunity to network, catch up on the latest research, and to speak with staff to learn about Foundation funding opportunities.
James Beck , Parkinson's Foundation
Phone:(212) 923-4700
Svetlana Cevjic , Parkinson's Foundation
Tools, Tech and Theory: A BRAIN Initiative Alliance Social
Date & Time: Sunday, November 13, 6:30–9 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: The Brain Initiative Alliance
Interested in cutting-edge neuroscience tools & technology? Come ‘talk shop’ with some of the leading toolmakers funded by the US BRAIN Initiative. A broad array of technical tools and data resources are now available to the research community. Learn more at this informal and interactive social that is open to all SfN attendees. For a list of featured scientists and other updates visit:
Stephanie Albin , The Kavli Foundation
University of Chicago Reception
Date & Time: Sunday, November 13, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: University of Chicago Committee on Neurobiology
The University of Chicago Committees on Neurobiology and Computational Neuroscience invite students, faculty, alumni and friends to join together and socialize as SfN gets underway. This social is an opportunity for alumni to catch up with colleagues and provides additional networking for students and postdoctoral fellows to interact with UChicago faculty. This event is a social gathering where snacks and beverages will be served.
Elena Rizzo , University of Chicago Committee On Neurobiology
Stephanie Dubbeld , The University of Chicago Neuroscience
University of Rochester Neuroscience Social
Date & Time: Sunday, November 13, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: The Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience
The University of Rochester Neuroscience Graduate Program, in conjunction with the Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience welcome all faculty, alumni and students for an evening of networking and celebration. We will also be honoring the 2022 Neuroscience Graduate Program Alumni Award recipient. Join us to renew old friendships and promote future collaborations. Prospective graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are also welcome to mingle and learn about current developments and future directions. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be served.
Kathleen Jensen , University of Rochester
Victoria D'Agostino , University of Rochester
Ernst Strüngmann Forum Social
Date & Time: Sunday, November 13, 6:30–9 p.m.
Date & Time: Sunday, November 12, 6:30–9:30 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: Ernst Strüngmann Forum
Marriott Marquis: Point Loma. Come join us for an evening of conversation and reconnect with colleagues. See you there!
Julia Lupp , Ernst Strüngmann Forum
1st Microelectrode Arrays in Neuroscience Social by MaxWell Biosystems
Date & Time: Monday, November 14, 6:30–9 p.m.
Sponsor Category: Commercial
Sponsored By: MaxWell Biosystem
MaxWell Biosystems is inviting you to join the 1st MEAs in Neuroscience Social!
This year we released our new AxonTracking Assay software and we want to celebrate it.
Come along to a special evening of networking with HD-MEA users, short presentations from invited speakers, food and drinks. Are you passionate about electrophysiology research?
Then register today for this special event, limited spaces available. See you there.
Tina Zel , MaxWell Biosystems
Diana Freire , MaxWell Biosystems
Phone:+41 44 244 24 24
2022 Taiwan Night
Date & Time: Monday, November 14, 7–9 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: Taiwan Neuroscience Society
The Taiwan Neuroscience Society is hosting a spectacular social event. All SfN attendees are welcome! Come join us for a memorable night of networking, and non-stop fun!
Shen-Ju Chou , Academia Sinica
35th Annual Neuro-Rehabilitation Social
Date & Time: Monday, November 14, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Sponsor Category: Individual Group
Sponsored By: donations
Social Tap Eatery, 815 J Street San Diego CA. This satellite event brings together leaders and early-stage scientists that conduct research in the fields of neuroscience and neurorehabilitation. The event is purely social and is designed to touch base with old colleagues and meet new colleagues. It will be held at the Monday Nov 14th at the Social Tap Eatery at 815 J Street, San Diego California (619) 398-8938. Light refreshments will be served and drinks will be available for purchase. This event is sponsored by BKin Technologies, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, National Center of Neuromodulation for Rehabilitation (NM4R) & Medical University of South Carolina, APTA Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, Association for Neurorehabilitation, American Society for Neurorehabilitation, APTA Academy of Research, American Physical Therapy Association, and American Occupational Therapy Foundation.
Laurie King , Oregon Health & Science University
Advancing the Next Generation in Neuroscience: Methods, Models and Modalities
Date & Time: Monday, November 14, 6:30–9 p.m.
Sponsor Category: Commercial
Sponsored By: Charles River
Marriott Marquis: San Diego Blrms. BC. Join us for Panels, Pinots and Pints. Thought leaders discuss the next generation in Neuroscience drug discovery, development, and commercialization in three panels. First, new methodologies, AI driving the emergence of a new wave of Psychedelic Drugs. Second, the use of robust new models like reprogrammed iPSC for better translation. Finally, a drug developers journey from concept to commercialization for gene therapy and navigating preclinical challenges through partnering with CRO and CDMOs. Audience participation is encouraged. We will conclude with a networking social.
Seating is limited. For more information and to register visit
Nadia Destefano , Charles River
Barbara Killian , Charles River
Dana Foundation Satellite Event: Interdisciplinary Training in Neuroscience
Date & Time: Monday, November 14, 7–8:30 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: Khara Ramos, Vice President, Neuroscience & Society, Dana Foundation
Are you a student or postdoc interested in interdisciplinary training? Come learn about the Dana Foundation’s new focus on Neuroscience & Society, which includes neuroscience interfacing with fields beyond biomedicine, such as ethics, law, humanities, arts, and public engagement. We are interested in your experiences and ideas. Have you explored interdisciplinary training? If not, what would be on your wish list? Dana staff will be on hand to share the Foundation’s vision and meet you!
Patricia Mangini , The Dana Foundation
Ishan Dasgupta , The Dana Foundation
Delete - Alzheimer's Association ISTAART Reception
Date & Time: Monday, November 14, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: Alzheimer's Association
Please join the Alzheimer's Association ISTAART reception on Monday, November 14 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Sapphire Ballroom EF (1 Park Blvd). ISTAART members, those who review for the Association's conferences, grants and journal initiatives, and anyone with an interest in the field of Alzheimer's and dementia research are welcome to enjoy a night of colleagues, friends, food and drink.
Nicole Sanders , Alzheimer's Association
Phone:(312) 335-5818
Claire Sexton , Alzheimer's Association
Phone: (312) 335-5730
Developing an International Data Governance Framework to Accelerate Global Neuroscience Research
Date & Time: Monday, November 14, 6:30–9 p.m.
Sponsor Category: Individual Group
Sponsored By: Kenji Doya
Data Governance and Sharing are the key to advancing neuroscientific discovery. The International Brain Initiative (IBI) has organized the Data Standards and Sharing Working Group with the aim to implement mechanisms for global data harmonization, governance, and sharing. This satellite event will consist of talks from the Working Group members as well as invited speakers focusing on identifying critical aspects of data governance and sharing across countries.
Nargis Akter Ahammad , National Institute for Physiological Sciences
Nargis Akter , National Institute for Physiological Sciences
Grass/MBL Social
Date & Time: Monday, November 14, 6:30–8 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: The Grass Foundation and the Marine Biological Laboratory
The Grass Foundation, a nonprofit foundation focused on advancing neuroscience, offers the Grass Fellowship Program at the MBL. These fellowships offer the opportunity to conduct independent research with living and research expenses covered. The MBL, an affiliate of the University of Chicago, offers many neuroscience-related summer courses where students learn from internationally-renowned experts and on state-of-the-art equipment. Come and learn more about these unique opportunities!
Catherine Carr , University of Maryland
Phone:(301) 405-6915
Briana Bertochi , Marine Biological Laboratory
Hybrid 17th Annual Christopher Reeve "Hot Topics" in Stem Cell Biology
Date & Time: Monday, November 14, 6:30–9 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: Evan Snyder
You're invited to the 17th Annual Christopher Reeve "Hot Topics" in Stem Cell Biology, organized by Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery
Institute, The Salk Institute, The Scripps Research Institute and The University of California, San Diego. In this perennially popular "data blitz" format
satellite symposium, you will hear 10-15 minute, short presentations by multiple investigators, each telling a single store and each talk followed by lively
discussion and debate.
Zoom link:
Evan Snyder
Tja Owens , Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute
NeuronS_MATTR: A Research Network at the Interface of Mechanotransduction, Pain and Manual Therapies
Date & Time: Monday, November 14, 6:30–8 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: UC Berkeley
The NeuronS_MATTR Network* is a new research initiative co-funded by NCCIH & NINDS (U24T011970). Our goal is to build an inclusive and collaborative research community focused on mechanisms mediating the body-brain connection. We are particularly interested in nucleating mechanistic research to understand how massage and other mechanotherapies relieve pain and promote tissue healing. Come to our social to learn about the Network's priorities, planned funding opportunities and training programs. All are welcome, and researchers working in touch, pain, bioengineering, and technology development are especially encouraged to drop by. Refreshments will be provided!
NeuronS_MATTR Network*: Neuronal & Systems Mechanisms of Affective Touch & Therapeutic Tissue Manipulation Research Network
Ellen Lumpkin , UC Berkeley
Web:To be updated later
Sim4Life – Advancing Neuroscience and Tomorrow’s Therapies with Innovative In Silico Technologies
Date & Time: Monday, November 14, 6:30–10 p.m.
Sponsor Category: Commercial
Sponsored By: ZMT Zurich MedTech AG
Bioelectronic medicine still faces many challenges. Today, computational methods are becoming increasingly important for research into electroceuticals and therapies, e.g. to restore lost functions or relieve conditions through neural stimulation. Image-based modeling and high-resolution anatomical phantoms are key to improving stimulation selectivity while avoiding unwanted side effects. Learn all about the new features of Sim4Life and the most advanced temporal interference stimulation device.
Michael Oberle
Antonino Cassara , IT'IS Foundation
Phone:41 44 245 9765
Simons Foundation Autism and Neuroscience Social
Date & Time: Monday, November 14, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
All SfN attendees are welcome to join existing Simons investigators and scientific staff from the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI), Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain (SCGB) and Simons Collaboration on Plasticity and the Aging Brain (SCPAB) for an evening of socializing and updates. Simons Foundation staff will be available to answer any questions that you may have about the research supported by the Simons Foundation, the resources we’ve created for the scientific community, and opportunities for funding.
Kelsey Martin , Simons Foundation
Phone:(646) 654 0066
Tammi Fumberi , Simons Foundation
Sleep and Circadian Biology DataBlitz
Date & Time: Monday, November 14, 6:30–8 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: National Institutes of Health
The Sleep and Circadian Biology DataBlitz is an event for SfN attendees to meet with researchers in related disciplines. Rapid presentations (one minute, one slide), and an honorary "2 minute" plenary presentation will highlight recent research developments. Representatives from the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research and NIH Institutes will be present to discuss future research directions and support mechanisms. There is no charge/registration for SfN annual meeting participants.
aaron laposky , National Institutes of Health
Shilpy Dixit , National Institutes of Health
U.S.-Japan Brain Research Cooperative Program (BRCP) - Networking Session
Date & Time: Monday, November 14, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: NINDS/NIH
Marriott Marquis: San Diego Ballroom A. In the year 2000, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S., and the National Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS), Okazaki National Research Institutes, Japan, launched a Brain Research Cooperative Program (BRCP) program under an umbrella agreement of “Cooperation in Research and Development in Science and Technology” between the governments of the U.S. and Japan. The purpose of the BRCP is to promote scientist exchange, training, and collaborations in basic, translational and clinical research between neuroscientists from the U.S. and Japan.
For additional information about the program, please see:
U.S. component: U.S.-Japan BRCP
Japan component:
Purpose of the Social Event: The goal of the 2022 BRCP Networking Session is to highlight the research that is supported within the program and encourage new collaborations by providing a platform for prior supplement awardees and their trainees to present the results of their collaboration and training to potential applicants from the U.S. and Japan, and the broader neuroscience community. All are welcome!
Register here:
This event is organized by the National Institutes of Health (USA), and the National Institute for Physiological Sciences (Japan).
Stacey Chambers , NIH/NINDS
Jennifer Adona , Rose Li and Associates, Inc.
Washington University in St. Louis Neuroscience Reception
Date & Time: Monday, November 14, 6:30–9:30 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: Washington University in St. Louis
Washington University neuroscience community invites you to a social gathering for lively company and conversation. Join us in forming and renewing friendships and collaborations between professors, postdoctoral fellows and students. Prospective graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are also welcome - come learn about current developments and future directions. Refreshments and hors d'oeuvres will be served. Reception will be held at barleymash, 600 5th Street, Gaslamp District.
Rashelle Popinski
Carmen Horn , Washington University in St. Louis
WINE- Women in Neural Engineering
Date & Time: Monday, November 14, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: WINE
The WINE Forum envisions the creation of women-centered networks to drive women’s leadership and success in Neural Engineering. Our mission is to provide vital peer-to-peer mentorship and networking opportunities for women in Neural Engineering. Our goal is to encourage women to enter and stay in Neural Engineering, and to advocate for women to hold leadership positions within the field.
Karen Moxon , University of California Davis
Association of Korean Neuroscientists (AKN): Annual Meeting and Social
Date & Time: Monday, November 14, 6:30–9 p.m.
Date & Time: Monday, November 13, 6:30 a.m.–9:30 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: ABL Bio, IBS, 1st Bio Therapeutics, Nexmos, KSBNS, SciTech and GNT pharma.
In order to foster networking and collaboration among Korean neuroscientists, the Association of Korean Neuroscientists in the US (AKN) organizes this annual social and dinner meeting for those attending SfN. All Korean Neuroscientists and students from the US, Republic of Korea, and other countries are welcome to join the event. Please check the AKN website ( for updated information on the agenda, location, time and registration. Contact: Y. Hwan Kim (
Y. Hwan Kim , Boise State University,
Daewoo Lee , Ohio University
The Neural Exposome and Why it's Important to You!
Date & Time: Tuesday, November 15, 6:30–9 p.m.
Sponsor Category: University/Non-Profit
Sponsored By: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Many neurological disorders have complex etiologies that include noninheritable factors, collectively called the neural exposome. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke has developed a new office with goals to advance our understanding of the multiple causes of neurological illness. This satellite event will feature a panel of experts to discuss neural exposomic research, its impact on health inequities, and why this is important to you.
David Jett , NINDS
Neel Dhruv , NIH NINDS