Abstract Information - International Society Member (ISM) Code Users
Abstract Submission is Now Closed
Abstract submission for Neuroscience 2022 is now closed. Abstracts were received from thousands of members from all over the world. Presenting authors of abstracts will be emailed in August regarding their abstract’s acceptance status.
Until then, there are several things that can be done to prepare for the annual meeting.
- Print receipts: Access your submission using the button above to view a read-only version of your abstract and print a receipt for the $145 abstract handling fee. Log in to your SfN account to print a receipt for membership fees.
- Review Neuroscience 2022 abstract presentation format: Neuroscience 2022 will feature in-person posters, in-person nanosymposia, and virtual posters. Learn more on SfN.org.
- Review registration information: Remember, payment of the $145 abstract handling fee does not include registration for the annual meeting. Abstract presenters must register in order to present at the annual meeting.
- Request a visa letter of invitation: If you will be traveling to Neuroscience 2022 from outside the United States, review visa information and start gathering required travel documents.
- Apply for a Trainee Professional Development Award: Undergraduate, graduate, and postdoc abstract submitters are eligible to win a Trainee Professional Development Award. Applications period: June 17-June 30.
Only non-SfN members who have been assigned an ISM abstract submission slot number are able to access their abstract via this page. If you are an SfN member, you may access your abstract submission via the main Call for Abstracts web page.
In-Person and Virtual Presentation
Neuroscience 2022 will be held in-person in San Diego, CA, November 12-16. SfN will also offer a sampling of annual meeting content virtually, including the opportunity for virtual posters. Learn more about the Neuroscience 2022 Virtual Component.
Join our email list to receive annual meeting updates.
Abstract Information
Notice of Abstract Acceptance
Communications regarding abstracts will be sent to presenting authors only. Other co-authors should ask their abstract's presenting author for information regarding their abstract. Presenting authors will be notified about their abstract's acceptance status by early August.
Virtual and In-Person Participation Preferences
For Neuroscience 2022, abstract presenters will have the opportunity to present in-person in San Diego as well as through a virtual platform. Virtual poster presentations will consist of uploaded video/materials and asynchronous text chat with attendees. Virtual posters will be available for registered Neuroscience 2022 participants shortly before the annual meeting through 30 days following the end of the meeting.
Review the Dates and Deadlines for important deadlines related to abstract participation preferences.
Abstract Length
The body of the abstract should be no more than 2,300 characters, including punctuation but not spaces. Use this range as a frame of reference, then count characters and revise accordingly.
Use standard abbreviations. When using abbreviations for chemical compounds, spell it out in full for the first mention, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Do not abbreviate compounds in the abstract title. -
Themes and Topics
Accepted abstracts are organized into topically-based scientific sessions and Theme J sessions. Abstracts are grouped together based on the theme and topic that abstract submitters select from the Themes and Topics list during abstract submission. Theme and topic selections help the Program Committee to group abstracts; they do not represent the titles of annual meeting sessions.
Rules for Abstract Submissions
Read over the rules for submitting an abstract to Neuroscience 2022.
Scientific Rigor in Annual Meeting Presentations
Accepted abstract presenters will be expected to transparently report a study’s experimental design and analytical methods in their poster or nanosymposium presentation at the annual meeting. Efforts to ensure scientific rigor include blinding, statistics, sample sizes, and replication. Error bars should be defined. Biological variables such as species, sex, age, strain, or cell line should be noted in the presentation, if applicable.
Justify Your Abstract Presentation
Download this letter to help secure your participation at Neuroscience 2022.
Theme J Poster Format
For those who submit a Theme J (History, Education, and Society) abstract, note that Theme J posters will encompass three half-days on the poster floor: Saturday p.m., Sunday a.m., and Sunday p.m. Posters should remain on display for these three half-days for casual viewing and be removed by Sunday, November 13 at 5 p.m. PST.
Embargo Policy
Information and data included in abstracts submitted for the SfN event are embargoed until the conclusion of the SfN presentation or press conference. Abstract presentations may not be presented at another meeting or published in an archival scientific publication before the scheduled SfN presentation date unless it is at an SfN-hosted event, such as a press conference, during Neuroscience 2022. All authors must abide by SfN's embargo policy.
Coverage of an abstract, lay summary, data, or supplemental material is strictly prohibited until the embargo is lifted. Promotion of general topics, speakers, or presentation times is permitted and encouraged within the stated guidelines.