SfN Encourages Members to March for Science
In celebration of the importance and wide-ranging impact that science has on our lives and human health, science advocates will join together April 22 in Washington, DC, and more than 400 locations around the world in a March for Science.
In alignment with many other leading scientific organizations, the Society for Neuroscience endorses the March for Science, as its mission strongly aligns with and reinforces SfN’s core values of scientific integrity, the free and open exchange of science, and diversity and inclusion. SfN also released a joint statement with the International Brain Research organization (IBRO) and the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) in support of the March, noting the importance of global scientific collaboration and the international nature of science.
SfN encourages its members to participate in the March for Science in DC or local marches around the world and to share stories that illustrate the essential value of basic scientific research and how science touches all of our lives. SfN members using social media can share their March experiences with SfN (@SfNtweets) and their fellow neuroscientists using the hashtag #sfnmarch.
The Society has also created a March for Science resource page for its members that includes:
- SfN’s statement on the March for Science
- Downloadable talking points about what the March is and how it aligns with SfN’s values
- Compelling stories that connect brain research discoveries to their importance for public health
- Information about Brain Awareness Week and how to engage in public outreach around neuroscience locally
- Links to Neuronline articles offering guidance about how to talk with the public about research and how to understand science policy
As SfN’s recent statement on the March says: “This is the first global march ever organized in support of science and an unprecedented opportunity to highlight its impact on our everyday lives, to insist on evidence-based policymaking, to strengthen global scientific collaboration, and to promote open dialogue between scientific communities and the public.
By joining in local March events around the globe, participants represent and celebrate the inclusive, interdisciplinary, and international nature of science, as well as reinforce sustained support of scientific research in order to achieve a healthy global population and societal progress.”
Learn more about SfN’s expanding advocacy efforts here.