Message From the President: A Nimble Society

Marina Picciotto
As many of you know, Neuroscience 2024 is the first SfN annual meeting with the possibility to submit a late-breaking abstract so attendees can present the most recent science coming out of the lab. This effort was an experiment, knowing that an additional round of abstract review was a big ask of our Program Committee volunteers.
Changing processes at the SfN annual meeting is like steering an enormous ship — a coordinated effort by many skilled individuals with different areas of expertise.
SfN received more than 800 late-breaking abstracts. Changing processes at the SfN annual meeting is like steering an enormous ship — a coordinated effort by many skilled individuals with different areas of expertise. The rapid and coordinated effort necessary to execute a second round of abstracts demonstrated a remarkable nimbleness on the part of our volunteers and staff.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a late breaking abstract, and to those who worked very hard to make the second submission window possible!
As I look forward to Neuroscience 2024, the unique energy on the poster floor is what comes to mind first. The massive scale of neuroscience on simultaneous display is only found at the SfN annual meeting. And this year, the traditional poster floor will be accompanied by the adjacent late breaking posters section, which will host all the abstracts submitted in the second abstract submission window. This special section of the poster floor will highlight the late-breaking abstracts, with different Themes presenting on each morning and afternoon of the conference.
I encourage everyone to make the most of the meeting by using the Neuroscience Meeting Planner (NMP) and Neuroscience 2024 Mobile App. Both tools offer ways to organize your visits to the many overlapping scientific sessions, including lectures, minisymposia, and posters. If you would like to absorb as much science as you can in a specific area of neuroscience, the meeting’s Curated Itineraries offer lists of all the sessions associated with a specified topic. Those looking to maximize their career development and networking opportunities can schedule Meet-the-Expert, Ask Anything, SfN-Sponsored Socials, and other events using the same tools.
When you find yourself needing a break from talking with poster presenters or listening to talks, use the time to wander through the Exhibit Hall and catch an exhibitor-sponsored presentation in the Product Theater. And for those looking to bring a little something home with them, the SfN store offers Society gear, while the Art of Neuroscience exhibits feature neuro-inspired pieces of art, jewelry, and clothing.
For a month after the annual meeting ends, attendees can still view and comment on uploaded posters, as well as watch recorded scientific sessions on demand.
Of all the sessions, events, and features of Neuroscience 2024, the virtual component is one of the most accessible aspects of the annual meeting. During the annual meeting, the virtual component offers livestreamed lectures and virtual posters. For a month after the annual meeting ends, attendees can still view and comment on uploaded posters, as well as watch recorded scientific sessions on demand. So, if you have a scheduling overlap between a session and a lecture being livestreamed and recorded, save the lecture to watch later via the virtual component.
I wish you an inspiring, fun, and energizing Neuroscience 2024!