2016 Chapters Grants and Awards Applications Now Open
Sep 09, 2016
SfN chapters can apply today for grants and awards to support their efforts!
- 2016 Chapter of the Year Award: this award recognizes outstanding chapters for their efforts and accomplishments across a range of activities that are in line with the mission and strategic initiatives of SfN. Recipients receive a $1,000 grant to support chapter goals/programs. Awards are presented during the Chapters Workshop at the SfN annual meeting. Deadline: October 14.
- 2016 Chapter Grant: For award consideration, chapters must have submitted at least one annual report during the previous two calendar years and must have provided reports from all other programs through which funding was received. Your SfN chapter may be eligible for grants of $500 to $2,000 to support chapter activities that advance SfN's mission, including outreach, advocacy, and professional development programs. Deadline: October 28.