SfN Wins Prudential Leadership Award for Exceptional Nonprofit Boards
Washington, DC — The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) received one of two honorable mention awards in the 2014 Prudential Leadership Awards for Exceptional Nonprofit Boards, organized by BoardSource, a national group dedicated to advancing the public good through the development of exceptional nonprofit boards. The award recognizes the Society for the exceptional governance demonstrated by the SfN Council.
The SfN Council, made up of neuroscientist members from around the world, plays a vital role in organizing and overseeing the Society’s mission, finances, and strategic direction. Council assesses the Society’s diverse, global audience, evaluates the needs of the field, and lays the groundwork and direction for future projects, ensuring appropriate resource allocation. It also establishes partnerships with scientific organizations around the world to create international programming, engage in advocacy work, and ensure a coordinated approach for the success of SfN and field-wide programs.
In the application for the award, SfN cited an example of such program development: Council’s mutliyear planning and execution for the creation of BrainFacts.org. Since launching in May 2012, the website has received more than 4.3 million page views from over 2 million unique visitors.
“Throughout its history, SfN’s volunteer leaders have been the organization’s strongest asset,” SfN President Carol Mason said. “SfN Councilors, past and present, have demonstrated tireless dedication and support that has benefited not only SfN and its members, but the entire neuroscience community. Such strong governance allows the elected leaders to focus on direction-setting for the organization, while the staff carries out day-to-day functions.”
In order the ensure SfN’s financial health and its ability to develop future opportunities to enhance the field, Council has had a long-time reserve strategy, designed to protect the Society’s ability serve members, including through difficult external environments. In 2013, Council created a Strategic Investment Fund to invest in key growth opportunities. This long-term planning approach allows Council to create a context for current projects, while serving as a reference point for future growth and opportunities for SfN to support and promote the field of neuroscience.
The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) is an organization of nearly 40,000 basic scientists and clinicians who study the brain and nervous system. More information about the brain can be found at BrainFacts.org, a public information initiative of The Kavli Foundation, the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, and SfN.