Neuronline: Let's Talk Neuroscience
Aug 07, 2013
Voice your opinion and keep up with colleagues on Neuronline, an online community where thousands of neuroscience professionals network, collaborate, and share ideas. Neuronline offers many ways to help you network with colleagues, including:
- Coordinate with those going to the SfN annual meeting and stay up-to-date about can’t-miss events and workshops.
- Start or join a discussion on neuroscience careers you may be considering.
- Get feedback on your thesis idea or research.
- Build support among your colleagues for a neuroscience advocacy issue important to you.
- Use your mobile device to access all of these options.
To get started, first complete your profile through Then explore the many community groups featured on Neuronline, and begin reaching out to one or more colleagues involved in neuroscience conversations.
Features of Neuronline include:
- Enhanced member directory. View member bios, professional and educational history and photos, and search for members more effectively using advanced fields.
- Scientific research communities. Communities are built around the 19 sub-disciplines developed by SfN.
- Career-related communities. Join a group for students, postdocs, junior faculty, or senior scientists. Or find groups discussing mentoring, issues facing underrepresented minorities and women in neuroscience, careers outside academia, and education and training.
- Outreach- and advocacy-related communities. Connect with members involved in brain awareness, primary and secondary science education, the use of animals in research, research funding and advocacy, and topics related to neuroscience and society.
- Communities for SfN chapters and SfN programs. These include the Ricardo Miledi Neuroscience Training Program, the Increasing Women in Neuroscience (IWiN) project, and the Neuroscience Scholars Program (NSP).
- My Networks. Find other members and colleagues with similar interests, locations and backgrounds, and keep track of them by adding them to “My Contacts.”
Neuronline is free to SfN members. Register to become a SfN member now or set up your Neuronline profile.