Michael Zigmond

Michael Zigmond, an internationally known neuroscientist who dedicated his studies to the cell biology of Parkinson’s disease and, later in his career, to examining the effects of social isolation (solitary confinement) died on August 29, 2023, at age 81.
In addition to his research (H-Index of 86, listed in top 500 Neuroscientists in the USA by Research.com), Michael also held various leadership positions in the Society for Neuroscience. From 1994-1996 he was elected and served as the Secretary to the SFN, from 1996-2002 he served on the Social Issues Roundtable Committee, from 1997-2000 he served on the Minority Education, Training, and Professional Advancement Committee and from 1999-2003 he first co-organized and then served on the SFN’s Committee on the Development of Women’s Careers in Neuroscience or CDWCN. He also chaired the committee that wrote the first SFN “Guidelines for Responsible Conduct Regarding Scientific Communication”.