Simon Brailowsky Klipstein

December 14, 1948 - May 28, 1998
Simon Brailowsky Klipstein, died tragically in a car accident, last may (28th) in Mexico City. He was born in December 14th, 1948.
Dr. Brailowsky received his Medical Doctor degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico in 1973 and his doctoral degree from the University of Paris, France, in 1987. He was represented the Mexican Chapter in the SfN Educational Committe, and was an important member of the Mexican Community of Neuroscientists.
Dr. Brailowsky and his group spent the last years investigating the neuronal and glial mechanisms underlying brain excitability alterations. He was particularly interested in investigating the rate of inhibition on neural excitability. He developed epylepsy experimental models both acute and chronic localized GABA microinfusions, the dominant inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, into various cortical regions of the baboon and the rat cerebral cortex. Thus inducing selective motor or cognitive deficits. These selective impairments might be useful to study adaptative brain processes in response to a epilepsy.
His last scientific production follows:
Garcia-Ugalde, G., Galarraga, E., Bargas, J., Brailowsky, S., Hyperexcitability of hippocampal CA1 region in brain slices after GABA withdrawal. Neuroscience Letters, 147: 229-232, 1992.
Meneses, S., Galicia, O., Brailowsky, S., Chronic infusions of GABA into the medial prefrontal cortex induce spatial alternation deficits in aged rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 57: 1-7, 1993.
Calixto, E., Montiel, T., Lemini, C., Brailowsky, S., Allopregnanolone potentiates a GABA-withdrawal syndrome in the rat cerebral cortex. Neuroscience Letters, 195: 73-76, 1995.
Brailowsky, S., Montiel, T., and Medina-Ceja, L., Acceleration of functional recovery from motor cortex ablation by two Ginkgo biloba extracts in rats. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 8: 163-167, 1995.
Brailowky, S., Montiel, T., Meneses, S., Di Scala, G., Effects of GABAB receptor antagonists on two models of focal epileptogenesis. Brain Research, 702: 126-132, 1995.
Brailowsky S GABA and epilepsy in the photosensitive baboon Papio papio. Proc West Pharmacol Soc, 1996, 39:, 71-5
Brailowsky S; Montiel T Motor function in young and aged hemiplegic rats: effects of a Ginkgo biloba extract. Neurobiol Aging, 1997 Mar, 18:2, 219-27