Neuroscience Funding Through NSF

The National Science Foundation supports basic, curiosity-driven research that allows neuroscientists and other researchers to advance groundbreaking, life-enhancing discoveries. It is the only federal agency whose ultimate mission is to support cutting-edge science. NSF supports high-risk science and engineering at the frontiers of knowledge and incorporates those frontiers into ongoing programs that provide information and service to society.
NSF investments are essential to advance brain science and help fuel economic growth. More than 50 percent of nation’s economic growth can be traced to R&D investments. Today’s investment in research will secure future economic benefits for generations to come.
Most neuroscience research at NSF falls under the Directorate for Biological Sciences, which “supports research to advance understanding of the principles and mechanisms governing life.” Neuroscience research also falls under the purview of the Division of Social and Economic Sciences, the Division of Integrative Organismal Systems, and the crosscutting initiative for Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience. In addition, NSF supports research in chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, and computer science, which has great relevance to neuroscience.
For more information, read Making the Case for NSF Funding and check out SfN's handout: NSF Funding for Neuroscience Research.